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Advancing Virtual and Augmented Reality experiential learning strategies to enhance STEM and Arts education.
XRMarin supports the design, implementation, and evaluation of immersive learning strategies to narrow achievement gaps in STEM and Arts education
Host workshops for educators seeking to implement immersive learning strategies in the classroom.
Demonstrate efficacy of immersive technology to engage students in STEM subjects. Assist teachers seeking to integrate immersive learning in the classroom.
Coordinate a young XR developers team at XRMARIN Studios
Young developers teams raise awareness of societal concerns by creating immersive XR content for their the local community. Team members include XR programmers, 3D artists, story tellers, and UX designers.
Workforce Development
Collaborate with workforce development groups to improve skills training using interactive XR content.
XR Marin is a program established in the Spring of 2018 by the Marin County Office of Education in
partnership with the College of Marin, Marin County Free Library, and the Workforce Alliance of the
North Bay.
XR Marin is guided by its Leadership Council whose members include representatives from K-12, postsecondary education, business, workforce development and the XR industry.
XR Marin
931 C Street
Novato, CA 94949
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